Help with 3d Perlin noise

EDIT: I am trying to use mesh parts/parts (meshes to reduce lag), not terrain

So I was starting to work on a new game and I need to make a Perlin noise terrain generator. I have found some posts about this already but all that i’ve tried is lags a lot.

What I want to achieve is what you don’t see, it unloads, what you see, it loads (Kind of like Minecraft chunks)

Any ideas on how I can do this?

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you can add part terrain maker as Plugin


I can try that, but it needs to generate upon game joined or a function called for what I am doing

use math.noise function on script

this video can help you

this can help you but not so much

The problem I am having is lag, and unloading/loading the terrain (I know how to make terrain)

Terrain was always slow and will never be fast. If possible, try to generate terrain as the user walks through it.

Terrain really cant be made with efficiency and without lag. Like @SubtotalAnt8185 said, “try to generate terrain as the user walks through it” can probably help a lot with ping stability.

I was thinking of using parts/meshparts

You can make the parts in studio and export as .OBJ

I made a tutorial on how to make minecraft-like terrain a while ago: Using Fractal Noise To Create 3D Terrain With Caves

The problem I am having is, I don’t know how to make it load and unload chunks as you move

This video may help you.