Help with a map picker script

the buttons are stored in replicatedstorage as models


So how was this value being changed then?

there is a numberValue in the workspace called “ButtonsPressed”
this same script checks when a button has been pressed in the map, it gets the children of the folder “buttons” in the workspace, which is where all the buttons are parented to and then are supposed to be destroyed along with a map when the floor ends

edit: the buttons also have a boolvalue in their script, which detects if they have been pressed or not

If the button is a model how is it being pressed? Does it contain a ClickDetector instance? A ProximityPrompt instance?

yes, it contains a proximityPrompt instance inside the neon part

edit: for some reason, it now counts 2 buttons when one is pressed, which is odd

edit 2: nevermind, i fixed it

edit 3: after i fixed the double button bug, the main script to load maps and stuff STILL won’t work, i’m starting to get frustrated

day 3 of trying to fix the issue, no solution found yet