wait… to add on to what I just said, it appears that I am no longer having my messages print.
Can you paste your script here?
corrupted animation. I remade it and it appear to be working now. Thank you SO MUCH and sorry for taking up so much of you guys’ time on this.
Great! glad it’s working. If you’d be so kind and mark my response as a solution, that’d be great. Cheers.
Yeah, of course! One last thing, could you possibly help with the clearing backpack and giving back the items portion? I have already taken up so much of your time so It’s obviously okay if you say no LOL
@Katrist I tried but I still don’t really understand a lot about the backpack in general
I’ll do a basic design for you or Primo to use for help.
– Clearing backpack
You’ll want to save a log of every item in the backpack (possibly by cloning the backpack and keeping that clone in a dictionary)
You’ll clear all items in the player’s backpack
– Retrieving backpack
You’ll look through the dictionary for the player
Reparent the backpack found (or just its objects) to the player
Thank you, this will really help! also I genuinely want to thank you for adding a “try it yourself” portion, because its hard to learn when someone gives a 100% complete script. Like, actually, It sets me back in learning if I get pushed a solution where I understand nothing.
for the saving portion, would I use a datastore of some form?
Unless you want their items to be saved across sessions, just use a dictionary.
Ty, will try that out shortly.
I do understand how to use dictionary, but I am not entirely sure as to how I would save the backpack using this. Would I have to name every item or is there just like a backpack contents
I’ve done the code for you and left comments. Make sure to read them for a full understanding.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Surrender = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Surrender")
local animation = Instance.new("Animation")
animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://15687505843"
local surrenderedPlayers = {}
local surrenderAnimations = {}
local playerBackpacks = {}
local humanoid = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if not humanoid then
local hasSurrendered = surrenderedPlayers[player]
if hasSurrendered then
surrenderedPlayers[player] = false
surrenderedPlayers[player] = true
if surrenderedPlayers[player] then
local surrenderAnimation = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
surrenderAnimations[player] = surrenderAnimation
-- Unequip current tools
-- Create dictionary table
playerBackpacks[player] = {}
-- Insert all tools into table and destroy tools
for i, child in player.Backpack:GetChildren() do
table.insert(playerBackpacks[player], child:Clone())
-- Give items back
for i, tool in playerBackpacks[player] do
tool.Parent = player.Backpack
-- Clear dictionary
playerBackpacks[player] = nil
surrenderedPlayers[player] = nil
surrenderAnimations[player] = nil
playerBackpacks[player] = nil
If it works, a solution would be appreciated.
Works, thank you so MUCH, and I will be sure to read the comments!
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