Help with API parameters

So currently im trying to get all TShirts that player has created and that are on the sale.
My only issue is that I only get get 25 items per page using robloxs inventory API
I know it can be changed cby only changing parameter under the name of itemsPerPage, but I don’t really know how to change it due to my knowledge in HTTPService being very limited

Script that I have

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From my experience, you usually include parameters in the URL with the general format of parameterName=passedValue and to add more after that you do &additionalParameterName=additionalParameterValue.

You can check out the Catalog APIs article to try and gain a better understanding. You can also check out this community tutorial:

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when i do that. Like shown in image above, I would just get error 404

Try ?itemsPerPage=50 or something, instead of /itemsPerPage=50.


Thank you alot mate hahahaha!!!

You’re welcome. In case you need help in the future or want to try some more advanced API endpoints, you can check out It goes pretty in-depth.