Help with Camera Work

Hi there,

I am trying to create a camera system that tracks 2 people.

Basically the camera will stay between 2 people and update the rotation and CFrame as the players move.

This way people can watch the 2 people.

Try using lerp() and the distance between the two players, to stay in the middle of that distance. Using this you can also shift focus from one player to another.

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So I got the positioning down.

I was wondering how would I change the orientation of the part to match or follow the players ‘level’?

I’m not really sure what this means sorry. Are you trying to have the camera point up or down based on how high they are?

I want it to look down on where they are.

Try this:

camera.CFrame =, lerpPosition)

This points the camera at the target. If you point at the result of the lerp you used to get where to place the camera, it will point at that position.

Thank you so much!

This has helped me much, It worked, Have a great day!

Actually I do have one more question, Sorry.

The camera rotates PEFECTLY!

However, Now how would I make the part ALSO move with the characters?

This is the Current Code:

		workspace.Part.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame:Lerp(,,averagePosition.Y,averagePosition.Z)),i)

But I need it to also move with the players, Which I did before, but can’t figure out now.