Help with color changing health bar

You seem to have the colour lerping down. If it’s just the actual colours you’re after, I suggest using a tool like Microsoft PowerToys or the “pick screen colour” tool in Studio (inside of the colour picker dialogue) to grab the colour while in game or from a screenshot or video.

I kind of get this but still way too confusing for me to understand. I have no clue how to put this into my code.

This doesn’t seem to work. I replaced HealthFrame with HealthBar since I’m assuming thats what you meant

Change it to whatever bar you scale and change color on

It stays the same green the entire time.

Have it loop so it updates each time, or fire it when you change the color

It’s inside a HealthChanged function so wouldn’t it run everytime?

EndResult_Color:Lerp(StartResult_Color, (health/maxhealth))

End Result Color - the Red you want
start Result Color - the Green you want