Help with custom explorer

Long story short I am making a custom explorer UI/Properties UI.

I need help to know if there is anything similar to a :GetProperties() function.


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I would HIGHLY advise you to search the devforum or any other relevant development-related sources, because there may be potential answers out there already.

I made a post about how to obtain the properties of all classes, as well as other relevant data, here:

Keep in mind that with accessing the roblox API dump, you get a JSON string, but the classes contain only members (properties, functions and events) that the specific class itself defines if it didn’t inherit any from its superclasses. You would want to recursively access each classes’ superclass and add all members of those.

However, I wouldn’t dwell on the above because the other two options for obtaining the members are better since you can’t access the api dump directly because you can’t send requests to roblox’s domain in the game and you wouldn’t have to deal with the hassle above.

Try whatever you like