Help with DataStore (SOLVED)

Hello, I am learning about scripting but I have an issue with DataStore.
I tried to solve it but I couldn’t so I hope someone helps me.
the problem is: The Data is not saving
Here is my code

local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local myData = DS:GetDataStore("myData")
local Data

	local Leaderstats ="Folder",player)
	Leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	local XP ="IntValue",Leaderstats)
	XP.Name = "XP"
	XP.Value = 0
	local Level ="IntValue",Leaderstats)
	Level.Name = "Level"
	Level.Value = 0
	local PlayerUserID = "Player_"..player.UserId
	--Load Data
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		Data = myData:GetAsync(PlayerUserID)
	if success then
		XP.Value = Data.XP
		Level.Value = Data.Level

	--Save Data

	local PlayerUserId = "Player_"..player.UserId
	local Data = {
		XP = player.leaderstats.XP;
		Level = player.leaderstats.Level;
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
	if success then
		print("Data has been Saved")
		print("Data Failed")

You aren’t giving enough information on the problem. What is going wrong?

Anyways, before answering that, are you allowing studio access to API services in your game settings?

Yeah what’s your issue that you’re experiencing? Is Data not saving? Give an example. Maybe show us some of your output such as errors if you have any.

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I made some adjustments to your script, let me know if this fixes any of your issues.

	local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
	local myData = DS:GetDataStore("myData")

		local Leaderstats ="Folder",player)
		Leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

		local XP ="IntValue",Leaderstats)
		XP.Name = "XP"
		XP.Value = 0

		local Level ="IntValue",Leaderstats)
		Level.Name = "Level"
		Level.Value = 0

		--Load Data

		local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
			Data = myData:GetAsync(player.UserId)

		if success then
			XP.Value = Data[1]
			Level.Value = Data[2]

	--Save Data

		local DataToSave = {}
		local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
			for i, val in pairs(player.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
				table.insert(DataToSave, val.Value)
			myData:SetAsync(player.UserId, DataToSave)
		if success then
			print("Data has been Saved")
			print("Data Failed")

It’s not saving
In the output : It prints Data Failed

Yes,I am allowing it.
the problem is the data is not saving.

Remember, the data won’t save if the last player in the server leaves and you’re using PlayerRemoving.

so, what is the best solution?

I’m not sure about that, but you can do autosaving. That’s the best practice for just about anything, because if the player unexpectedly leaves the game (like disconnects), there’s a chance that PlayerRemoving won’t fire for them. I would recommend keeping your current code, but while the player is in the game, have the data automatically be saved, let’s say like every 60-120 seconds.

I made a server of two players and I tried to make one player leaves but It prints Data Failed again.

I will try do that. thank you for advice

You can use the system save data ProfileService, this service is good to save Data. That’s system use to Cache for save Data because it’s more fast instead of collecting manually the values. Jaja, sorry for my english.

I would do a game:BindToClose and just have it wait like 3 seconds so it can save the last person’s data before the server shuts down

thank you guys for the advices. I don’t what was the problem but I rewrite it and it works now. :smile: :smile:

This is wrong … Why wouldn’t it save the last person they are still a PlayerRemoving

If it’s solved then pls mark that as a solution and remove “SOLVED” from your topic, Roblo doesn’t like when you do that

Because I changed it and made it to auto save the Data every minute.