Having a few problems with my meshes and applying default materials.
Firstly, I don’t know how to get rid of these sharp edges that appear when I apply my material after importing:
Secondly, the material applies different to both side of the object (I do believe UV mapping will fix this issue but I figured I’d ask anyways)

I am aware I could just do my textures in Blender but I would still like to try and solve this.
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From what I understand, it does seem that this is indeed an issue with UV Mapping.
Just to better grasp the situation, what do you mean by “default materials”? Where is this material coming from (material/materialvariant, decal, texture from Blender, etcetera)?
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The materials are custom-made through the material service (materialvariant) and applied that way, which means default materials would also count (ROBLOX-presets).
The part that I deemed would be fixed by UV wrapping the object was just the texture applying differently to both sides, but hopefully it would fix the triangles as well?
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Like I said earlier, editing the UV map should fix it, even those triangles
Also, since you’re using a MaterialVariant, do note that it might not apply the texture to your mesh the way you want it to. You should use SurfaceAppearance if you want to use the mesh’s UV map.
To, clarify further, here’s a direct comparison of SurfaceAppearance and MaterialVariants:
The cubes below are both UV mapped, but the one on the left is using SurfaceAppearance and the one on the right is using a MaterialVariant.
So please do keep in mind whichever you should use depending on your situation, hope this helps!

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Well, I can now breathe a heavy sigh of relief for now regarding the triangles, which were by far my biggest fear! Hope it works!
In regards to default ROBLOX materials, I’m guessing I would still be using MaterialVariant (or simply a default material)?
Either way, the main concern in my post has (presumably) been solved, thanks for putting my mind at ease! I’ll be sure to mark as solution if this works!
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