Help with FireClient Error

When you open the console, are there any errors?

Nope, not that i see. Idky it just doesnt start

When the player enters the ring, add a print(Occupants) to see how many occupants the script thinks there are. The reason why the game isn’t starting is probably because the occupants value isn’t 2.

Where in the could should I add the print?

Try putting it after this line here: Occupants = Occupants + 1

It prints 2, but it just doesnt start

Over here, I think that this is holding up the thread.

if Occupants == 2 then
			Billboard.Enabled = false

Try this instead:

if Occupants == 2 then
			Billboard.Enabled = false

Sorry where is that in the code? I dont see it and I did ctrl F and couldnt find it

It’s in the event that detects when a player enters the ring, inside the main ring script.

I like legit dont have it where should I add that little script then?

under what line (thats probably y its not working lol)

You really don’t have that part? It’s right under this line: if Occupants == 2 then

Yeah look, unless it was removed somewhere in the code you sent.

I looked at it, and there’s a part that disappeared:

	local Found = false
	for i, v in pairs(Corners) do
		if v.Occupant.Value == Player.Character then
			Found = true
	if Found then return end
	Player.PlayerGui.ShadowBoxing.LeaveMatch.Visible = true
	Occupants = Occupants + 1
	local Corner = Corners[1]

	if Corner.Occupant.Value ~= nil then
		Corner = Corners[2]
	Corner.Occupant.Value = Player.Character
	Player.Backpack.Data.Ring.Value = script.Parent

	Billboard.TextLabel.Text = Occupants.. "/2"

	-- This will fire only once.
		-- Check if the player is still the occupant.
		if Corner.Occupant.Value == Player.Character then
			Corner.Occupant.Value = nil
			Player.PlayerGui.ShadowBoxing.LeaveMatch.Visible = false -- Hide the button when the player dies.

	-- This is the missing part.
	if Occupants == 2 then
			Billboard.Enabled = false
		PP.Enabled = false
		local RandomNumber = math.random(1,2)
		Attacker.Value = Corners[RandomNumber].Occupant.Value
		Defender.Value = Corners[((RandomNumber == 1) and 2) or 1].Occupant.Value

		PP.Enabled = true
		Billboard.Enabled = true

Works! But now when you win the game, it says -2

At the end of the StartFight() function, there is an Occupants = 0 line somewhere. That needs to be moved to the very end of the function, after setting all the corners to nil.

Works like a charm! One thing the guy did not understand is when the attacker had 1 move right then lost the next, the animation would only play one instead of twice. Is there a way to fix that?

Ex Getting it Wrong:

Ex Getting it Right:

See how I had the first one right, but when i got the second one wrong it didnt play the first animation i got right? How could I do that. Its hard to explain so lmk if you dont get it

I have some idea what you’re supposed to do. Lemme figure it out first.

I think I know what you mean now.

One second ill find a good example.

See how when I chose right and I got it wrong so I had to go again. Then I chose up and I got it right (I was defending). Since i had to choose a second time, the first animation played, then the second one. Thats how I want it. For the system I have, if I choose it wrong the first time, then right the second time, it only plays one time.

Good example Video