Help with 'for _, in pairs'

I keep getting this error when using ‘for _, in pairs’. I am using JSONDecode to get the data from my website, also I am new to using “for do”

invalid argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got Instance)

Here is the part of the code that the issue is coming from.

local HttpServ = game:GetService("HttpService")
local WebsiteResponse = HttpServ:GetAsync("")
local banData = HttpServ:JSONDecode(WebsiteResponse)

local scriptBans = {

function checkBans(plr)
	local bans = banData.groupId
	for _,bans in pairs(scriptBans) do

Try structuring it correctly, use this as a reference but you should structure it as a dictionary:

local scriptBans = {
[1] = “000”

^ This way it knows the index

I would try that

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Please call this a generic for loop.

You aren’t really telling us what you want to do within the iteration or what to use it for, so we can’t assume what’s wrong other than a pointless loop with no code within the block, just put an end after this

to complete it.

If you just need to learn about it then visit these links:

Also, the error couldn’t have come from here since you’re attempting to iterate through a table in this sample - you’re trying to loop through an instance somewhere.


Also if your looking for a UserId or GroupId change it from a String to an Int64

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This sample snippet below works.

local scriptBans = {
for _,bans in pairs(scriptBans) do 

Do you reference/define scriptBans anywhere else in your script?


scriptBans is being seen as an Instance and not the table as you expect, the code should work fine so then something could have replaced your scriptBans variable.


Ok thank you, I will try that when I can get back to my project.

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When I am able to get to my computer I will send the full script

Here is the full copy of the script.

local HttpServ = game:GetService("HttpService")
local WebsiteResponse = HttpServ:GetAsync("")
local banData = HttpServ:JSONDecode(WebsiteResponse)

local bans = {

function checkBans(plr)
	local bans = banData.groupId
	for _,bans in pairs(bans) do
		local GroupServ = game:GetService("GroupService")
		local groupInfo = GroupServ:GetGroupInfoAsync(banData.groupId)
	if plr:IsInGroup(banData.groupId) then
			plr:Kick("n\You are in a group that has been indefinitely banned by the Shake Shack Association.\n\nGroup: ""n\n\Group Id: "..groupInfo.Id)


for i,v in pairs(banData.groupId) do

you’re redefining bans right here, name this variable something else or change your other bans variable

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I would recommend defining the GroupService at the top of your script just like HttpService.

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I have figured out the issue with the for loop but I can’t get the loop to work with JSONdecode

Did you read what presssssure said in their reply?

Yes, I should do a test to see if it kicks a alt and not my main.