Every request exposes the ip and even roblox games servers do and you can get it with req.connection.remoteAddress
or req.headers[‘x-forwarded-for’]
A way to join the game is to do in the console:
this will launch the game
Launching a game is not what i thought it was a possible way to get the server address also because here it displays this as response
(gamejoin.roblox.com )
may I ask what you mean by server address? Like job id or server ip address?
April 2, 2022, 4:27pm
get the server address
Roblox has hundreds of servers that are constantly on rotation, this will not help you!
what i mean is ip address chars
Oh well i was planning on restricting the field by getting servers of a game only
April 2, 2022, 4:29pm
That won’t work since your game will have multiple server ips that change regularly.
It would not work because that’s the api of https://n-rtd.up.railway.app and it’s public to use and since i want to rate limit games exceeding entirely and not one server only i need another check other than the game id because someone could make requests outside of roblox, fake the game id and get the experience rate limited
April 2, 2022, 4:31pm
Then you are out of luck, maybe provide api keys to each user.
Server ips don’t change while running or am i wrong? i got the idea from here Getting the IP of running game servers - #23 by grilme99
Uhm sounds like a good idea! But i would still like to know why here the person accomplished it
April 2, 2022, 4:34pm
However, I’d assume a game could have multiple IPs as multiple servers would be running.
Yes infact it would have iterated over the list of servers to check if the received was a valid server ip
April 2, 2022, 4:36pm
How would you know if it is valid since gameJoin only gives a single server ip at most.
April 2, 2022, 4:42pm
How would you get this, however.
i was hoping to use gamejoin.roblox.com because the response provides a list of running servers with the relative IPs
April 2, 2022, 5:08pm
That api only works for the roblox.com domain.
Do you mean that only the roblox website can use it?
April 2, 2022, 5:20pm
Yes, only roblox.com itself can use it.
Actually from my researches sending the “referer” header with the value “www.roblox.com ” will allow the usage of the api