18:49:08.216 ServerScriptService.Script:29: attempt to index nil with ‘OnServerEvent’ - Server - Script:29 this means there isn’t a Remote Event
18:49:11.868 Players.Acespacesss.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.LocalScript:8: attempt to call missing method ‘GetChildren’ of table - Client - LocalScript:8 Did you use GetChildren() when you defined the variable? it should be an instance not a table
server script local lockers --A folder containing every locker for organization and simplicity sake local lockerEvent--A RemoteEvent/UnreliableRemoteEvent
local function lockerClicked(player,locker) if not locker.Owner.Value then --Make a object/string value to store the Owner, this means the value is nil return --and we return, aka finish the function, player will be prompted to get ownership clientside end if locker.Owner.Value==player then--or Player.Name if you use a string value if locker:GetAttribute("Open")==true then --Logic to close it locker:SetAttributte("Open",false) else --Locker is closed --Logic to open it locker:SetAtributte("Open",true) end else --Player is not the owner end end
local lockers=game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Lockers") for _,locker in pairs(lockers:GetChildren()) do lockerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) lockerClicked(player,locker) end) end
lockerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,locker) if locker.Owner.Value then return end --Locker is already claimed, just a sanity check locker.Owner.Value=player --or Player.Name if string value end)
local script
``local lockerEvent --Again get you event here``
``local lockers --Locker folder again``
``local Gui=script.Parent:WaitForChild("CombinationFrame")``
``for _,locker in pairs(lockers:GetChildren()) do``
``if not locker.Owner.Value then``
You didn’t define it on server side, and player cannot read ServerStorage, put a Folder on workspace, parent the locker model to it and make the lockers variable on both scripts equal that folder
19:11:33.293 High school Locker @ 10 Dec 2023 19:11 auto-recovery file was created - Studio
19:11:35.337 ServerScriptService.Script:29: attempt to index nil with 'OnServerEvent' - Server - Script:29
19:11:35.337 Stack Begin - Studio
19:11:35.337 Script 'ServerScriptService.Script', Line 29 - Studio - Script:29
19:11:35.337 Stack End - Studio
19:11:41.655 Players.Acespacesss.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.LocalScript:7: attempt to index nil with 'GetChildren' - Client - LocalScript:7
19:11:41.656 Stack Begin - Studio
19:11:41.656 Script 'Players.Acespacesss.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.LocalScript', Line 7 - Studio - LocalScript:7
19:11:41.656 Stack End - Studio
what is wrong with the code i have put the serverstorage to workspace-
local lockerEvent --Again get you event here
local lockers --Locker folder again
local Gui=script.Parent:WaitForChild("CombinationFrame")
for _,locker in pairs(lockers:GetChildren()) do
if not locker.Owner.Value then
local lockers --A folder containing every locker for organization and simplicity sake
local lockerEvent--A RemoteEvent/UnreliableRemoteEvent
local function lockerClicked(player,locker)
if not locker.Owner.Value then --Make a object/string value to store the Owner, this means the value is nil
return --and we return, aka finish the function, player will be prompted to get ownership clientside
if locker.Owner.Value==player then--or Player.Name if you use a string value
if locker:GetAttribute("Open")==true then
--Logic to close it
else --Locker is closed
--Logic to open it
--Player is not the owner
local lockers=game:GetService("Workspace"):WaitForChild("Lockers")
for _,locker in pairs(lockers:GetChildren()) do
if locker.Owner.Value then return end --Locker is already claimed, just a sanity check
locker.Owner.Value=player --or Player.Name if string value
You still didn’t add a Remote Event, so when you try to connect the .OnServerEvent it errors, and i said to put the folder in workspace, ServerScriptService and ServerStorage don’t replicate over to the client
lockers and lockerEvent are never defined, so replace every mentions of them with the folder or set the variable
local lockers=workspace:WaitForChild("Lockers")
local lockerEvent= --You have to create a remoteEvent on replicated storage and then make it equal this
19:37:12.695 Owner is not a valid member of Model "Workspace.Lockers.locker" - Client - LocalScript:10
19:37:12.696 Stack Begin - Studio
19:37:12.697 Script 'Players.Acespacesss.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.LocalScript', Line 10 - Studio - LocalScript:10
19:37:12.697 Stack End - Studio
at this line there is something wrong but idk what- if not locker.Owner.Value then (what else is gonna not valid to my model?-)
19:43:33.133 TextBox is not a valid member of Frame “Players.Acespacesss.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.CombinationFrame” - Client - this came up as soon i tried again ************