Help with money script

Have you checked for errors and did you replace the full script?

yes i looked over it and everything and also replaced it

I would also suggest cloning the tools after the player’s money has been confirmed to be enough to purchase the item.

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Try this code

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local re = rs:WaitForChild("EquipRe")

local function giveTool(player, item, price) -- Make a function
	local money = player.leaderstats.Money

	if money.Value >= price then -- If the money is greater or equal to the price then run other code
		money.Value -= price -- Removing the player's money.

		local tool = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Starter gear tool
		local tool1 = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Backpack tool

		tool.Parent = player.StarterGear -- Give the player startergear tool so if they die they get it back
		tool1.Parent = player.Backpack -- Then put the tool in backpack so player doesn't need to reset to get it


i have no idea what you mean by " after the player’s money has been confirmed to be enough to purchase the item."

He means by where it says if money.Value >= price then

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local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

As the variable is used multiple times.

As I said earlier you need to define rs.

Use the code I sent above

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local re = rs:WaitForChild("EquipRe")

local function giveTool(player, item, price) -- Make a function
	local money = player.leaderstats.Money

	if money.Value >= price then -- If the money is greater or equal to the price then run other code
		money.Value -= price -- Removing the player's money.

		local tool = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Starter gear tool
		local tool1 = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Backpack tool

		tool.Parent = player.StarterGear -- Give the player startergear tool so if they die they get it back
		tool1.Parent = player.Backpack -- Then put the tool in backpack so player doesn't need to reset to get it


ok thank you that one did worked

If your problem is solved then mark the post as a solution.

There is still a massive security flaw with this script. You should never send things like prices via Remotes, because it can be easily altered and exploited. For example, let’s say I want to buy an item which costs $100,000, and I send $0 as the price, then I’m getting that item for free!

To fix this, we simply remove the price parameter and do that check on the server. You should have a big list of all the prices saved somewhere other than the client. So, taking your script, here is what it would look like:

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local re = rs:WaitForChild("EquipRe")
local prices = {
    ["Tool1"] = 100,
    ["Tool2"] = 300 -- and so on, you get the point

local function giveTool(player, item) -- Make a function - Notice, I removed "price"
	local money = player.leaderstats.Money

	if money.Value >= prices[item] then -- If the money is greater or equal to the price then run other code - We compare with the price the SERVER has
		money.Value -= prices[item] -- Removing the player's money.

		local tool = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Starter gear tool
		local tool1 = rs:WaitForChild(item):Clone() -- Backpack tool

		tool.Parent = player.StarterGear -- Give the player startergear tool so if they die they get it back
		tool1.Parent = player.Backpack -- Then put the tool in backpack so player doesn't need to reset to get it

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now its not giving me the item