Help with my flower

Same, it was my fault to sound harsh so sorry. But really what I could say is that your code is good. But don’t try something without knowing much about it. Your 1000+ lines can just become like 50 lines. The smaller the script the better the game works. Again sorry for kind of being toxic before.

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An unfathomable amount of replying users in this thread need to have their access to these forums stripped immediately.

Unbelievable how awful some of you people are. Yes, his code is very poorly written. So what? This is where he learns to better himself and his knowledge.

But no; the only thing he is going to learn is how hilariously pompous some of you are (and have no right to be). It’s no wonder these forums are looked upon as nothing more than a tragic comedy.

Shout out to those extending a kind and helping hand. And please keep your head up OP. Never stop learning.


I can’t help with your script but you can use your own skills to learn some stuff by yourself. Here are some stuff I could’ve found;

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local info = -- Time, EasingStyle[EasingStyle], EasingDirection[EasingDirection], Repeat count, reverses, delay

local function tween(flower)
    TweenService:Create(flower, info, {Position =}) -- What you want to tween, info with you want to tween, and in which position or size do you want to tween

for _, testFlower in pairs(workspace.flowerFolder:GetChildren()) do

This is a small example. You could do wayyy more than this. And yes never give up!


Same. Now I feel really really bad. Using harsh words wasn’t the right choice to make. I didn’t want to make fun of anyone or mock them for being a beginner. I was being very toxic and I realize that. If it seemed offensive, I’m sorry. I was never good at expressing my thoughts (don’t take that as an excuse).

Some constructive criticism: try organizing the tweens into a for loop which iterates through your individual parts. Not only is it much easier to read, but it’s also easy to change the functionality if you need to. Try limiting the number of tweens you perform. You could use the animation editor, although that would be extra work. Maybe make your flower less detailed, with only a few parts that need to be animated? We would need to see what it looks like. Use your own judgemental skills to determine which parts should and which ones shouldn’t be animated.

If your flower model is really that detailed, it’s probably better you keep some of the parts static without tweens. Also, make sure to consider the importance and size of the flower in-game. If it’s huge and is the main attraction in your game, only strip down a few of the tweens. However, if it’s a small flower and you’re planning to have dozens of those, I would incorporate only animations that are clearly visible. There’s a chance that the player won’t even notice the smaller ones, and it would be useless to have them running.


I am absolutely disgusted by these replies here, please don’t take any of them to heart, many of them are no better than you are, if you wish for me to help me feel free to send me a private message, I can’t stand this thread.


@Stanny_2003, don’t worry now nobody is being toxic to you. Can we see your flower.

If the code is so big, then the details in the flower should be big as that!

Guys, I don’t think we should’ve been this toxic to him. I just found a video on his YouTube channel where he made a sunflower 2 years ago. It’s just passed my imagination-



SO after talking all this smack you think it’s not right? Seriously, get a hang on yourself, what is it that makes you think that he’ll just forget about it? This guy most probably doesn’t even dare himself to touch scripting after your disgusting comments anymore


Yeah some of them, i understood him because i started as beginner too, should i say we started as beginner too. :slight_smile:

Replies with “useful info” become worthless when they are laced with unnecessary satire that communicates a palpable distaste for the OP’s skill level. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.

Perhaps you should partake in some self-reflection if you find the behavior in this thread acceptable from a development community that should be working with newcomers, rather than against.


I agree. I’m now so shamed of myself that I was talking to him with CAPS. Like literally you’d be shamed of yourself if you did something like this.


I could not care less if this was posted on twitter, its still rude and vile behavior that should not be condoned on the DevForum. This is supposed to be a platform where people can ask for help and not be ridiculed


Agreed, either mans quite clearly didn’t think it through at all or he’s tryna mess around on here and kill people’s brain cells which gotta say my man’s done pretty well.


Thanks, you made my day. I would probably do the same with more lines xd.


I don’t know what’s wrong with this code, looks fine by me!


Nothing is wrong with this code, but you cannot handle a script with 1k+ lines. That’s why we’re not recommending the way he used.

Ah I see, thank you for telling me :slightly_smiling_face:

Im going to cry from sheer pain looking at this


that was 2 years ago.
t w o y e a r s


it was needed to be said and i was coincidentally the one who saw it 2 years later