Help with my leaderboard pls

Script never came out of this while loop and never made it to player.CharacterAdded.

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ohh. so it stopped there? how do i fix that?

Why is that even in the script at all … just remove it.

i dont know :frowning: i can barely read script :frowning: i just want it to work

isnt that the plus 1 coin every second?

i took it away just to try without it. now the kills and death points work :slight_smile:

Yes, this is how we program. One step at a time, building on solid code. Now add in the datastore and get that working. As for the coins per second. I’m thinking a spawn into a loop with a exit flag on death. Go ahead and get the datastore working and I’ll put together your coins per second thing.
So just leave that for now …

This is a snippet showing where to place this.

local deaths ="IntValue")
deaths.Name = "Deaths"
deaths.Parent = leaderstats

local exit=false
	repeat task.wait(1)
		coins.Value += 1
	until exit
humanoid.Died:Connect(function() exit=true

tbh im just about to give up! every time one thing get fixed something else that works breakes… its the third time now…

Well when you get to time 300 you’re allowed as a programmer to leave it.
Until then get back back in there … :rofl:

You got this. Everything is on this thread and your right at the finish line.
Add your datastore and the spawn snip for the coins and it’s done!

This is how programming is when dealing with new things to you. Been at this forever and it’s always the same. Research, fail, fail, research, fail … you got it.

haha im really close to try 300 tbh… been trying with this for like 1 week now and its the last thing before i can put the game on public… my kids are waiting for me to fix it and i have no idea what im doing…

i dont know what datastore or spawn snip even is… im lost

im doing a test now… but my pc is super slow…

lol, I’m not going to put this together and post it. Because everything is right here in this thread.
This is a big win for you and I’m not going to take that away … /fades away …

thank you so much for all help <3 it finally works. i just need to see if the save still works… i relly hope it does… ur the best <3

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A snip or snippet is part of a script showing what needs to be used and most likely placement.
The spawn post I made for you is a snippet.

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thank you so much! it all works… now i got a new issue… but i will wright that in a new topic :slight_smile:

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