Help with my script

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I am not super advanced into scripting, but what does this mean? And how can I fix it?

This looks like a plugin. You must have installed it.

edit: sorry I thought you were talking about the bottom one, could you just show us your script?

That error message did not pop up until I inserted DaffyDavinko’s code.

You’ll have to use tweening to get that effect.


The Red Texts are the Errors in your script.

Its simplying say that the script has found an Unknown Key/Symbol in your code.

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Its because Roblox Symbols and DevForum symbols arent the same sometimes.

Click Play again, but this time, Click the Red Error.

It should bring you to your script and show you the line of where it errored at.

It might just be simple fix, like putting " " instead of whatever has been placed there.

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Okay thank you everyone, @HabibiBean’s code works, and I do not need anymore scripting help with this but, just to ask, how would i go about making it where when you touch the brick it rotates you no matter if you go off of it or not?

What do you mean? Are you saying to just make it rotate whenever you want without a touch event?

Do you mean you should be constantly rotating even if you step off it?

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No like, with your script, you have to be touching the part to rotate, I’m asking how to go about where you touch the part and even if you go away and get off of it you will still rotate for x amount of time.

Ok, i now try (from mobile and for this i will use @HabibiBean example):

local TouchedEvent = YourPart.Touched:Connect(function()
   if (s.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) then end
      local rotation = 10
      for i = 1, rotation do
         if i <= 5 ten
             s.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation = s.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation+,1,0)

This should help

Hope it helped you.

   if (s.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) then end
      local rotation = 10
      for i = 1, rotation do
         if i <= 5 then
             s.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation = s.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation+,1,0)

the S and the touched event get underlined

they’re underlined cause they are either not properly defined or don’t exist inside the script.

gotcha Eternalove_fan32 defined the touch event but I do understand why the s is underlined.

well is the if condition:

inside the function? if it isnt then that would be why s is underlined.

thanks (30 characters) ********