Help With Neural Network Library 2.0

Hey Everyone, My Name Is Nehoray
I’ve Trained The A.I Using Neural Network Library 2.0

And I Just Wanted To Know How Can I See What Progress did He Made
Example: I Trained The A.I Drive A Car How Can I Make The A.I Drive The Car Himself

Thanks For Any Help!

Do you have the code, and a link to this library?

Also… if I may suggest, it may be better to train a network outside of Roblox with GPUs using like TensorFlow or pyTorch, and then port it into Roblox / remotely call it.

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Generally you will do a backpropagation step and compute a cost. You can access that cost like so:

local backprop = FeedforwardNetwork:GetBackPropagator()
local cost = backprop:GetTotalCost()

However, you’ll need to create your own metrics in your training loop if you want to keep track of progress. For if you can break down answers to “right” and “wrong” there is a whole bunch of metrics like sensitivity and specificity you can use. Otherwise the cost may be your best bet and watch how it behaves over time.