Today I wrote an interactive grass system using OOP (Objective-oriented programming). It works like this:
Yes. It works. And it works very well.
But I would like to optimize my system. I understand that perfect optimization cannot be achieved, but still at least something
If anything, I’m not completely crazy, so I combined three or five blades of grass in a blender.
Here is a modular script:
local grassList = {}
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Grass = {} do
Grass.__index = Grass
function Grass:var(part,side)
local Bone = part:FindFirstChild("Bone")
local Tween = TweenService:Create(Bone, TweenInfo.new(.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine),{Orientation = Vector3.new(0, side, 0)})Bone2.Orientation.Z)})
function Grass.new(part)
local grass = {}
grass.Part = part
table.insert(grassList, grass)
return setmetatable(grass, Grass)
return Grass
Script in which I call the functions:
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local char = script.Parent
local Grass = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ModuleScript)
local Tagged = CollectionService:GetTagged("TallGrass")
local grass = Grass.new(Tagged)
for _,grass in pairs(Tagged) do
local distance = (char.Head.Position - grass.Position)
local DotGrass = distance.Unit
local DistGrass= distance.magnitude
local grassLook = grass.CFrame.LookVector
local dotProduct = DotGrass:Dot(grassLook)
if DistGrass< 5 then
if dotProduct > 0 then
elseif dotProduct < 0 then
if DistGrass> 5 then
Grass:var(grass,0, -7.689, 19.706)
Alright, first you will want to benchmark your system as it is right now. Here’s a handy community tutorial I found. However, it’s not that useful for actually optimizing your code.
Because I don’t actually have the time right now to write out an explanation and relevant code samples, I’m just going to post a list of links you can check out. Hopefully you’ll find some, if not all, useful. The first link will most likely be the most helpful.
On this one, ignore the part about testing the speed of your code. You should use os.clock instead of tick for unit test and benchmarking.
This tutorial is by @Hexcede. He knows a lot about Roblox’s engine (or at least a lot more than me) so I would really try to understand it. Also, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve posted a few tutorial links for networking and reducing latency. This is because you might run into it later when developing your system.