Help with overhead script

How would i go by changing the level.value in a overhead script without it always breaking? something like 100k, or 100,000, aswell inf for owners of a game. instead always being 10000, 1000000

i’ve try changing the the levels.value >= 100k, 100,000. and when play test it breaks the whole script?

				CloneGuiOwner.Level.Text = "LEVEL : "..LEVEL.Value
				if LEVEL.Value >= 100000 then -- Over 100000 Minute LEVEL (RAINBOW)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0.215686, 1)
					Gradient.Enabled = true
					GradientScript.Disabled = false
				elseif LEVEL.Value >= 10000 then -- Over 10000 Minute LEVEL (DARK RED)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
				elseif LEVEL.Value >= 5000 then -- Over 5000 Minute LEVEL (ORANGE)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0.666667, 0)
				elseif LEVEL.Value >= 1000 then -- Over 1000 Minute LEVEL (BLUE)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0.666667, 1)
				elseif LEVEL.Value >= 500 then -- Over 500 Minute LEVEL (PURPLE)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0.00784314, 1)
				elseif LEVEL.Value >= 100 then -- Over 100 Minute LEVEL (GREEN)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
				else  -- DEFAULT LEVEL (WHITE)
					CloneGuiOwner.Level.TextColor3 =, 0.12549, 1)

You didn’t show any errors, also change GradientScript.Disabled to GradientScript.Enabled so on set it to true. Roblox depracated Disabled property.

try that and got this error

Please tell me you realize “k” isnt a number. its 10000

Well i had it at that but it was only showing 10000 without having like 100k text or 100,000

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Yeah, I understand i’m just trying to figure how to make the overhead level number say 1k, or 100,000 if reach a number above 500

Like Vibe Nyc, or Club iris has 100,000 but mine shows 100000 without having , in the middle of the overhead level?

Vibe Nyc Level

My overhead Level

Club iris Overhead

I think your asking how you would format the number/string to have commas

you will want to use something like this or string.format

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