Help with pathfinding issue

Hello dev forum,

i am currently making a game with zombies.

to get better performance ive decided to use animation controllers instead of humanoid.
I use pathfinding and tweening to move the zombies toward their target.
Only theres a problem when i use them in the map. The roof seems to block them from walking on that path. Even though the path is created and rechable.

robloxapp-20210611-1626478.wmv (1.8 MB)

This is with roof.

robloxapp-20210611-1627363.wmv (1.8 MB)

And without.

Please help. (Changing params did’t work)

  1. Unfortunately for you, Roblox’s pathfinding requires the agent to have a humanoid in order for it to work properly.
    (see this post)
    tl; didn’t click: anything without Humanoids will generate a navigation mesh, including your humanoidless npc

  2. The white circles are blocking the zombie from what I can see, try making them cancollide = false

My solution:

  • Add humanoid, even if it does nothing
  • Cancollide = false the white circles

As you can see the circles are blocking the zombie from reaching the door aswell.

the circles are just an indication of the path that has been made this means the path is created. if i remove the circles the problem still accurs. and proof of the path working it the video of where the roof is gone. also if i make the roof higher the oriblem is gone too but the thing is that it has to be too high.