Help with reverting studio icons to old ones

Roblox has changed the textures for the studio icons.

however it looks like this is an experimental thing as all the old icons are still in their original places but only as a form of storage since studio doesn’t use them anymore, including “ClassImages”

what i have found out so far is that most of the new images are stored inside a folder named studio_svg_textures within the contents folder of the versions folder.

If anyone could figure out more that’d be great because every current method right now to replace the icons is broken aside from the mod loader which is outdated by a few days and i believe some preffer to stay vanilla.

You can find the original icons in the texture folder

i apologize if most of this sounds vague or not informative enough but i just wanna do my part of giving this situation attention.

They changed the directory for the new icons. You should just download Studio Mod Manager and change to Vanilla icons

only issue is that mod loader is outdated by a few days, i’m not picky but for some people this might not serve as a solution as they might not be comfortable with this.

roblox added a custom icon directory but we still need documentation on that

I think I do remember having them like a few weeks ago but I don’t know how it just randomly reverted


I followed this method by Hexcede, Explorer Icons have bad readability - #5 by Hexcede