ok so im trying to make a rng system just like anime adventure had one
the problem is that the loop is going to the legendary first but it should go first secret the mythical etc
i tried switching to numerical indexes for it to work but its not a very good option so i was wondering if anyone had another solution for me pls
local module = {}
local banner = {}
module.list = {
["Secret"] = {"Secret King", "Ruffy skibidi"},
["Mythical"] = {"Garp", "Baboucheka"},
["Legendary"] = {"Legende omg", "Skibidi pomni"},
["Epic"] = {"Cocomelon", "Todoroki"},
["Rare"] = {"Rare ", "OMG A RARE"}
module.Chances = {
["Secret"] = 1,
["Mythical"] = 25,
["Legendary"] = 200,
["Epic"] = 1525,
["Rare"] = 8249
local totalChance = 0
for i, v in module.Chances do
totalChance += v
module.CreateBanner = function()
local seed = math.floor((os.time())/3600)
local RNG = Random.new(seed)
for i, v in module.list do
local unit = v[RNG:NextInteger(1, #v)]
banner[i] = unit
workspace.Banner.SurfaceGui:WaitForChild(i).Text = unit
module.Spin = function(boost, number)
local boost = boost or 1
local ret = {}
for i = 1, (number or 1) do
local number = math.random(1, totalChance)
local counter = 0
for rarity, weight in module.Chances do
counter += weight
if number <= counter * boost then
ret[i] = banner[rarity]
return ret
return module
yeah i know but using an arraw was a pretty hard to maintain option caus it would caus a lot of converting every time beetween the actual rarity and the number
so i was wondering if you had a better idea of doing this
You don’t need an array to accomplish this. I have my own open source WeightedRandom module you can use or reference from (the source code is available, the Next function is what you are looking for):
local module = {}
local banner = {}
module.list = {
["Secret"] = {"Secret King", "Ruffy skibidi"},
["Mythical"] = {"Garp", "Baboucheka"},
["Legendary"] = {"Legende omg", "Skibidi pomni"},
["Epic"] = {"Cocomelon", "Todoroki"},
["Rare"] = {"Rare ", "OMG A RARE"}
module.Chances = {
[1] = 1, -- Secret etc
[2] = 25,
[3] = 200,
[4] = 1525,
[5] = 8249
module.Convert = {
[1] = "Secret",
[2] = "Mythical",
[3] = "Legendary",
[4] = "Epic",
[5] = "Rare"
local totalChance = 0
for i, v in module.Chances do
totalChance += v
module.CreateBanner = function()
local seed = math.floor((os.time())/3600)
local RNG = Random.new(seed)
for i, v in module.list do
local unit = v[RNG:NextInteger(1, #v)]
banner[i] = unit
workspace.Banner.SurfaceGui:WaitForChild(i).Text = unit
module.Spin = function(boost, number)
local boost = boost or 1
local ret = {}
for i = 1, (number or 1) do
local number = math.random(1, totalChance)
local counter = 0
for rarity, weight in module.Chances do
counter += weight
if number <= counter * boost then
ret[i] = banner[module.Convert[rarity]]
return ret
return module
its working now but is it a good method od doing things ?