Help with script: How to make most active staff board

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I want to achieve having a “Most active staff” board.

The issue is my datastore isn’t holding the info, and my script might be outdated.

  1. I’ve tried doing some research on the topic.

Here’s what the final result should look like.

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How are you determining the “most active staff”?

The staff member who plays the game the longest.

You can use data stores and os.time() to record their average playtime sessions.

Can you explain how your datastore isn’t holding the info? Maybe try using the DataStore Editor Plugin.

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Use datastores and add points to everyone every second or something.

I would go with @Txppin’s suggestion and create a NumberValue to record playtimes. Have the value increased in an increment of 1 every second (essentially tracking the amount of seconds in-game). Then when leaving, or every 5 minutes (whenever you want to save), write to the DataStore their newest time elapsed value. When displaying on the board, convert the seconds to minutes or hours if you’d like to make it look cleaner.

Things like this are done through OrderedDataStores. A reminder that you should generally try things out yourself before posting threads: this is not a do-my-work category.

When a player joins, you log the current time from os.time preferably in a dictionary. When they leave, you will also grab the current time but subtract the time they joined from this new value to get how long they were on. From here, you can call IncrementAsync on the player’s UserId for the key and that difference of time as the value. Ideally you shouldn’t save if this time is <6 seconds because of DataStore limitations.

As in when you want to update the leaderboard either initially or across a certain time interval, you’ll use GetSortedAsync to get a DataStorePages object. This pages object will contain the keys and values in the OrderedDataStore in numeric order (all values must be integers). You can then iterate through the pages object and display keys and values as necessary.

Since OrderedDataStores only accept integers for values and os.time returns seconds, as far as data storage goes, you’ll only be working with seconds in terms of integers. So, to get the format you see in the image, you will convert these seconds into appropriate times and make a string out of them. I personally have no clue how to do this so I’d appreciate some support here, but to take a stab…

local function breakDownSeconds(seconds)
    local breakDown = {days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0}

    breakDown.seconds = seconds%60
    breakDown.minutes = math.floor(seconds/60)%60
    breakDown.hours = math.floor(seconds/3600)%24
    breakDown.days = math.floor(seconds/86400)

    return breakDown

From here, since you’ve got a table, you can use this to help you form a time string. If there’s a non-zero value for a key, concatenate it to a blank string with the value first and then the key second. You may need a secondary array to help you determine iteration order. Example…

local ITER_ORDER = {"days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"}

local timeBreakDownForUser = breakDownSeconds(playerPageEntry.value)
local timeInGameString = ""

for _, key in ipairs(ITER_ORDER) do
    local value = timeBreakDownForUser[key]
    -- Should at least have *something* there
    if value > 0 and key ~= "seconds" then
        -- Use non-plurals if you really care about singular values, then
        -- concatenate an "s" if the value ~= 1
        local valueString = value .. key
        -- Plural example with current layout
        -- local valueString = value .. (value == 1 and key:sub(1, key:len() - 1) or key)
        timeInGameString = timeInGameString .. valueString

While I can’t just give you a system here, hopefully the explanation and the code samples here give you an idea of what you might be looking to do here.

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