How do you predefine water then?
like how do you change the texture to the water, wherever your doing that just also change its parent to the folder
How do you predefine water then?
like how do you change the texture to the water, wherever your doing that just also change its parent to the folder
this should be somewhat Right, right?
white means its within the predefined distance and black means dont render.
the code goes in starterplayerscripts and its local
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local waterFolder = workspace.waterParts
local run = game:GetService("RunService")
local maxDist = 45
for indexNum, waterPart in pairs(waterFolder:GetChildren()) do
local waterPosition = waterPart.Position
local camPosition = cam.CFrame.Position
local distance = (camPosition - waterPosition).Magnitude
if distance > maxDist then
waterPart.Color =, 0, 0)
waterPart.Color =, 1, 1)
I don’t Predefine anything. it literally just takes Premade Chunk Models and Random Rotates them. So it generates the chunk “Pond” and the chunk “trees”.
I can make Rarity by having more Tree Chunks than Pond Chunks.
sorry to ask this but can I get the generation script so I can just change the code
or even just the part that puts it in the workspace??
I will DM it.
Not “while true do”, put “if value then”
I’m guessing that you want to access the value, so use the one I mentioned above
local value = script.Value.Value -- odd variable name
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- loading pause
local playerPos = workspace.player:WaitForChild("Head").Position -- really sure
local water = script.Parent.Position
local position = (water - playerPos).Magnitude
if position > 15 then
value.Value = true
else value.Value = false
You have a few bad practices going on here and need to check if things are working correctly before moving on with the script.
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