Help with securing remoteevents

Hello! Im a bit new to scripting and I was wondering what would be the best way to secure remoteevents? (This is my first post on the devforum, apologies if I made any mistakes.)

Edit: By securing remoteevents, I mean making it harder for exploiters to abuse remoteevents.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

What do you mean by “secure remote events”?

Securing them as in making them hard to abuse by exploiters. Ive seen a lot of methods on the forum but was wondering what is the most reliable and most effective method.

I don’t know very much about anti-exploit but the only thing I can say is what everyone else says: Don’t trust the client.

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The most efficient method is sanity checks. I always use it whenever I make remotes

And the best part that it’s simple, unlike other inefficient methods that can even be bypassed

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As a general rule of thumb whenever you fire the server from the client via “:FireServer()” pass as few arguments as possible, better yet, pass none if possible.

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yeah combine that with sanity checks and your development will be easier and more secure

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This can be done as already mentioned by someone here with Sanity Checks, Sanity Checks is such a fancy word for checking. For anyone that is confused into what Sanity Checks are, it’s in simple terms checking the values in the server. Here is more about Sanity Checks :