Help with Terrain Building

I’m trying to recreate these mountains in my Peruvian style game:

From this photo, you can see that the mountains have lots of foliage.
I’m wondering how I would recreate such dense vegetation without creating lag?

Any Tips would be helpful :slight_smile:


Smooth terrain. Probably the easiest way.

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Time and attention to detail are of massive essence when creating terrain.

The best way to create mountains is via the " add " tool, yes it’s not time-efficient at all but due to the lack of reliable terrain elevation plug-ins it’s your best shot.

For example; In my Dover cliffs island showcase, the cliffs of the island are entirely added via the " add " tool and henceforwad smoothed out via the " smooth " a heck of a boring task to do but it became so much more realistic due to it.

One more tip I have regarding creating mountains; the base of the mountain should always be several times bigger than the top area of your mountain or else your mountain looks artificially made like a terril per example if you will.

I’ll recommend using blender for such an elaborate Terrain Building if you don’t want to spent a lot of time.
If not roblox has an extend option you start with small things such as some parts of the tree or mountain and then you’ll get to blender or other model program so you can finish your task in a better smooth way!
Also for lag you can use many things that can make the part for unlag:

Hope this is helpful!

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