How come in studio my GUI looks like this:
But when I proceed to test it in studio, it looks like this:
Can someone please help me fix this problem !
How come in studio my GUI looks like this:
But when I proceed to test it in studio, it looks like this:
Can someone please help me fix this problem !
Screen size changes try using scale it will help.
I do use scale and it still does not work.
do you have any scripts acting on it? if so then post the script
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Health = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Health")
-- Update the healthbar
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
Health.Size =,0,1,0)
Just a health bar script.
You could use the .HealthChanged function for this instead of Runservice.
Is it using UIStroke or a regular border? I would try placing a black frame underneath which sticks out to look like a border and have the actual healthbar on top.
It does have a health bar on top look:
Sounds like a scaling issue, check this guide out:
I’ve tired but it doesn’t work.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
local Health = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Health")
-- Update the healthbar
Health.Size =,0,1,0)
Here’s the error:
Use WaitForChild() instead of FindFirstChild()
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
Are you trying to keep it in the same place even not in studio?
1 - Make a StarterGui,
2 - Design/Customize,
4 - Put script in,
5 - Put IgnoreGuiInset to true,
6 - Enjoy.
For other tips:
Thank you.
Use this instead:
Health.Size = UDim2.fromScale(Humanoid.Health/Humanoid.MaxHealth, 1)