Hi my game has a memory leak and starts to become slow after 10 hours

Hi my game has a memory leak and starts to become slow after 10 hours what can I do to find the source of the problem since it is a very big game. I am cleaning up tables, disconnecting touched events and cleaning instances it may be possible I could be missing something is there anything else that can increase server memory?

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Debug using print() and if the delay is longer than normally, these parts of the scripts are causing the problem.

Maybe you will have to use Stats Service’s GetMemoryUsageMbForTag() function to do a deep diagnostic of the issue.

Here are a list of tags you can use to check them


Just came across this, are you sure you are using weak tables?

Roblox can also make mistakes sometimes functions that they create can cause memory leaks as well, I personally wouldn’t assume this is the case but it’s good to keep in mind.

Pretty much what you been doing is the best way to go, looking for any unused values and making sure there properly deleted and being set to nil