Hi, I made this amazing anti-walkspeed, noclip. It should be very good at doing what was listed but it isn’t the best. The concept is really interesting though.
There will be no updates, what I want is to show people this interesting concept and how it works. It will be on them to make a better one.
Thanks @Hexcede for this post. os.clock() usage has greatly increased the accuracy allowing the anticheat to detect even a speed increase of 1.
Pros against other similar anticheat:
- High ping? No false positive (Except teleporting).
- Highly accurate detection. Triggers on ~5% speed increase.
- Takes more performance?
- False positive from anything that can move you fast.
- No vertical check. (Except for the magnitude check inside the anti-bypass)
This script is useful to block auto farming. Exploiter tends to use tween to get from one place to another faster than a normal player would while not triggering a normal magnitude check, this prevents them from doing that. At least doing that to move horizontally.
There are explanations in the script.
Server Script
-- Get things
local remote = Instance.new("RemoteEvent")
local player = game:GetService("Players")
local physicService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
-- Location table
-- Used to get real, actual character position/teleporting the player
_G.Locations = {}
-- Time table, used for anti bypass
local timeTable = {}
-- Anti Noclip function
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local function noclip(p, old, pos, ignore)
-- Get direction with the correct length
local a = pos - old
local direction = a.Unit*a.Magnitude
local char = p.Character
-- Raycasting
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {char, workspace.Camera, ignore}
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(old, direction, raycastParams)
-- Check result
if raycastResult then
local a = raycastResult.Instance
-- Check collision. long line of code
if a.CanCollide or physicService:CollisionGroupsAreCollidable(physicService:GetCollisionGroupName(a.CollisionGroupId), physicService:GetCollisionGroupName(char.PrimaryPart.CollisionGroupId)) then
return true
return noclip(p, raycastResult.Position, pos, raycastResult.Instance)
return false
-- Horizontal check
local function horizontal(distance, dt, p)
-- *1.1 because the time is still inaccurate (even with os.clock). Increase it if you have false positive
local speed = p.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed
if distance > dt*speed*1.1 or distance > speed/4 then
return true
return false
local function characteradded(v)
-- For saving initial location
_G.Locations[v.Name] = v.PrimaryPart.Position
print(v.Name.." spawned.")
local function playeradded(v)
print(v.Name.." joined.")
-- Clone and give the client the remote event (This isn't required. It was a stupid part on my end, just use the same remote for all)
local newre = remote:Clone()
newre.Parent = v
-- The function used to do horizontal magnitude check + anti noclip function
local function check(p,dt, pos)
-- Check if time negative/NaN value
if dt <= 0 or not dt == dt then
p:Kick("very smart") -- This should be a ban
-- Add the time
timeTable[p.Name] = timeTable[p.Name]+dt
-- Check if character exist before doing the calculations.
if p.Character then
-- Check if pos exist and is it a Vector3 and does it have a NaN value
if pos and typeof(pos) == "Vector3" and pos == pos then
-- Get old location
local old = _G.Locations[p.Name]
-- The checks
if horizontal(((old-pos)*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).Magnitude,dt,p) or noclip(p, old, pos) then
-- They moved too far/They clipped through wall, reset their location
p.Character.PrimaryPart.Position = old
-- They passed the checks and successfully updated their location
_G.Locations[p.Name] = pos
p:Kick("Position is nil/not a Vector3 or is a NaN value.") --
-- This is to get the initial time only when the remote first fire. Prevent some bugs.
-- If they don't fire, their location can not update. They wouldn't be able to move.
local onetime
onetime = newre.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(p)
if p == v then
timeTable[p.Name] = os.clock() - 1
print(p.Name.."'s initial time taken.")
p:Kick("Firing another's remote.") -- Ban
local function playerremoving(v)
timeTable[v.Name] = nil
_G.Locations[v.Name] = nil
-- The anti bypass
while task.wait(1) do
local a = os.clock()
-- Get all players time
for i,v in pairs(timeTable) do
-- If somehow their time passed the server time by 1 seconds or slower than 30 seconds
-- We ban/kick them
if v > a + 1 then
player[i]:Kick("HAS TOO MUCH TIME HOW") -- Ban
elseif a - v > 30 then
player[i]:Kick("Ran out of time") -- Normal kick as it is possible to trigger without exploits
-- Magnitude check to prevent not firing the correct location/not firing at all for the server to get time.
-- Also acts as an vertical check so 20 studs allowance might not be high enough. Should be impossible to trigger depending on how you build your game.
for i,v in pairs(_G.Locations) do
if (player[i].Character.PrimaryPart.Position - v).Magnitude > 20 then
player[i].Character.PrimaryPart.Position = v
To make sure it’s running, check the output when a player joins.
Local Script
--This script is pretty self explanatory
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local alive = false
alive = true
alive = false
local updatecharacter = Player:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
repeat task.wait() until Player.Character and Player.Character.PrimaryPart
local deltatime = os.clock()
local pos = Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position
while task.wait(0.1) do
if alive then
local a = os.clock()
pos = Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position
updatecharacter:FireServer(a - deltatime, pos)
deltatime = a
local a = os.clock()
updatecharacter:FireServer(a - deltatime, pos)
deltatime = a
-- Note: you can reduce the wait time.
-- ^ This increases what the server has to handle and causes false positives as the time is more inaccurate. Putting it at 0.1 is good enough.
-- Increasing the wait time will cause false positive as you're giving people more time to move behind a wall, triggering anti noclip
Here are an example of anti walkspeed and an example of anti noclip, look at the logs.
Tested at 60ms ping but will not have false positives (on anti walkspeed/tp) even at 1000ms ping.
Server character walkspeed: 16
Client character walkspeed: 16,17
There is a false positive on respawn due to ping, won’t be noticeable.
To make it actually works please use _G.Locations to get character position (and use it to teleport people as teleporting the normal way will not work).
That’s all.
If you somehow bypass it, please record a video and the script you used.