Highlight object doesn't show on mobile, and thickness doesn't change dynamically

pc info - macos monterey, 8gb ram, intel
first experienced - a week or 2 ago when i first tested the new characters with highlights on my phone
last experienced - yesterday when i last tested my game for mobile , august 27, 2023

reproduction steps
1 - add the highlight object to a startercharacter or other model. doesn’t matter what type i don’t think
2 - make sure you have the outline visible (not totally transparent so you can see it)
3 - play the game on mobile

the bugs:

bug 1:
the highlight object’s outline feature doesn’t show on mobile

on computer:

on mobile:

highlight properties:

bug 2:
when you are selecting or hovering the mouse over a model with the highlight object, this happens:

feature request (if you can also handle those here):
make a thickness property for the highlight object and make it so you can adjust it in studs or something, that way the farther away the character is the thinner the outline would be, the outline would stay a consistent size in the world space

thank you so much for considering my requests as i would love to use outlines on the characters in my game to create a slightly cartoonish style. my game loses a bit of its charm without outlines. thank you :heart_on_fire:
if you have any other questions you can ask me


Hi @luabarnes

Could you please re-upload the video? Looks like it’s not working on our end.

Thank you!


Yes, please fix it. This bug has been around for a year and still exists. Setting transparency to 0.95 still doesn’t work. , Highlight feature not working on actual mobile/tablet devices - #7 by RMofSBI


please fix this!!! pls this is an important feature, highlited parts and objects show on pc but not on mobile and tablet

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