Highlight text of checkboxes in group permissions overview should show to non-owners

When you don’t own a group but have access to the admin panel, you can open this overview of permissions:

However, hovering over the checkboxes does not display the highlight text of the permission for that checkbox. Instead it displays an icon indicating that you can’t edit the checkboxes. It would be useful though if anyone that has access to this menu can view the highlight text, instead of having to go into the individual permission windows. If I can open this as a non-owner, I also expect to have the highlights when I hover over the checkboxes.

Also mentioned here (two years ago) as a bug, although I think this is intended atm so I turned this thread into a feature request instead:


I think because there is a group from-the-ground-up rewrite coming, this probably won’t happen for a while but support.

Groups in general need a facelift.