June 5, 2022, 8:59pm
Update 1.2!
@Regenitical , @NinjaFurfante07 , @Vyntrick , @d_ytme , @alexinite .
Hints will now stack automatically when new ones are added.
You can now change features around the text, eg: background color, corner radius, and border stroke.
You can now change text features, eg: text stroke, text colors, and editing.
Easily detect when a hint is added or removed with HintService.HintAdded
and HintService.HintRemoving
Release notes:
Make sure to have an RBXScriptConnection
above all .new()
constructors to work properly.
Could we get a video of these new features?
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June 7, 2022, 9:58pm
Update 1.3!
You can set the location of the hint, eg: Left, Center or Right, in the .new()
All hints now hide when the roblox game menu is opened.
A panel that allows the player to manage hints (coming soon.)
This would be great for subtitles tbh. I will most likely be using it! Also is it possible to list the API? That way people can know how to use it? Thanks!
June 8, 2022, 1:45pm
Sure! I will work on the api today. I will PM you the docs.
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June 11, 2022, 6:28pm
Hey Developers! HintService has not had an update for a while. Reply to this post telling me what feature you want added!
Hello, I just wanted to give a suggestion. You should add docs as that would make it a bit easier to tell us how to use this module. Also a code snippet using this module would help a ton while making a game using this (what can be modified and what it looks like in-game)
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I love how its like the old hints but modernized! I will probably use this
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June 21, 2022, 3:53pm
Update 1.4 chugging along!
Ability to change/set tween properties to your liking.
Using a faster and newer version of @stravant ’s signal implementation (GoodSignal implementation).
New Docs.
Set hint and text transparency.
Yielding thread is optional with hints (Hint:activateHint(yieldThread : boolean)
) (This feature is already live)
*Hint .Changed
*Change font and font size.
(*) Means this feature could be coming next or later.
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June 21, 2022, 7:33pm
as of right now i don’t need it BUT maybe i will in the future great job
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June 21, 2022, 7:35pm
Thank you, @teyougin !
I value your opinion, so is there any features that you would like added to this module for future use?
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June 21, 2022, 8:33pm
Update 1.4!
Ability to change/set tween properties to your liking.
Using a faster and newer version of @stravant ’s signal implementation (GoodSignal implementation).
New Docs.
Set hint and text transparency.
Yielding thread is optional with hints ( Hint:activateHint(yieldThread : boolean)
) (This feature is already live)
Hint .Changed
Change font and font size.
June 21, 2022, 8:50pm
hmm maybe you can add something that tells you your username when you display hints
example: “username the chest with the secret item is over there, go get it NOW!”
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June 21, 2022, 8:57pm
You can already do that be default. Example:
Hint:setLabel(string.format("%s the chest with the secret item is over there, go get it NOW!", game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name))
If I were playing the game, %s
would display as my username, of course you can always change it to DisplayName
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June 25, 2022, 7:31pm
Is there a way to have a hint controlled by a script? So you can control when it fades away.
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June 25, 2022, 7:34pm
What do you mean, do you mean like instead of relying on setVisibleTime
as the amount of time your hint takes to appear and disappear, have a function that allows you to cancel the hint entirely?
June 25, 2022, 7:36pm
Yes, so you can cancel the hint when they have done the action implied by the hint.
- Turn on the PC.
local Hint = HS.new("Center", false)
Hint:setLabel("Turn on the PC.")
- They have turned it on.
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June 25, 2022, 7:40pm
Ok so you want me to add this?:
June 25, 2022, 7:41pm
That would work if there was an infinitely shown card (not sure if there is.).
Other than that, this is a great module. Thanks!
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June 25, 2022, 7:42pm
infinitely shown card
What do you mean by this? Will the function above achieve what you need it to?
(I will add your feature requests in 1.5)
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