HintService (Archived) | Legacy hints reimagined, customizable, straight-forward, and simple

Some 2 questions

  1. How do you color a text?
  2. The hint disappears when another hint is being shown (Or how do you add another hint than being rewrite the current one)
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Use themes, they are documented above

Construct a new one and broadcast. They should stack.

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Update suggestions anyone? It’s been a while!

Allow user to change the YOffset of the bottom hint of the frame otherwise it will overlap by the Roblox’s Backpack Gui

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Thanks for the report! Will be working on a fix.



I recently deployed an update. Thanks for your patience!

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Update ideas anyone? I haven’t worked on this for a bit.

Possibly buttons and button callbacks? Maybe move the hint further up if the hot bar is visible?

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Oh I see, so you want to have clickable hints. Will do; also the setHotbarOffset function will set the offset for you. I could figure how to do it automatically.

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Update 2.9.5!



You can now set hints to be clickable, they will act just as buttons act if you set setCanClick(enabled) to true. You can then use the Hint.Clicked event to detect when it was clicked.

Rewrite coming after I finish my framework.

The update log is now deprecated.

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A message from the creator of HintService.

I will still use this even if it is discontinued! Quick question: Will the example code provided work in the rewrite as well?

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Most likely not. I will be changing the api quite a bit, but it it still should be easy to switch over to the new stuff.

Sometimes it is better to add in backwards compatibility, even if it’s a lot of work to do so. Try creating an API interpreter that’s compatible with the old version if possible.

I can’t wait for the new version!

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What is this exactly? I would love to include it seems helpful.

It’s basically a conversion module that can turn calls with the old API to the new API.

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Yeah I will be adding this, but you should still migrate to the new one unless your entire codebase relies on this one and will be hard to change.

Just want to ask: any other new features you want? I will be adding hint metadata as a feature by the way.

Perhaps scheduled hints (if the module does not already include this)?

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Hello everyone!

I am starting to begin work on HintService2! It should be done (at least) in the coming weeks.


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