Hiring a cheap scripter!

Hello! I am in need of a scripter that can script the following. Everytime you get a kill, you would get points Then there would be a person you would approach that if you go next to him
there would be a gui thats pops up
and the gui would show like name tags like this https://gyazo.com/8c4776ed4332bd03cfb0cd6c39798ab4

If you have the right amount of points
you can buy a name tag
and it would show above your head
like this https://gyazo.com/ef1083018da24f7e6610a80b692059f8

Payment: I will pay in USD Via PayPal (I WILL NOT PAY IN ROBUX)

Contact: You can reach me on Twitter @XyicRblx or Discord Xyic#0001

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:b


Hey, I might be interested, I’ll DM you on Discord.

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My Discord Tag: Guto#6740
My portifolio: Gutoggg's Portifolio

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