Hello there I don’t know if your interested with my work but here is my Portofolio
Be sure to Contact me back later Here is my Discord wangsih|GFX Artist|#7214
500 Robux per game that we order thumbnails and Icons. Eg. We’ll order 1 Icon and Two Thumbnails for our cafe, which will give you 500 Robux. We will also order One Icon and Three Thumbnails. that will also give 500 Robux. These are just examples.
That is not really a good price, especially if you are looking to hire complex GFX Artists. If you want 3 or 4 low quality thumbnails/icons for your game, then that’s what you’ll get. 500 Robux is not even worth one thumbnail. You can pay that price for one icon, but for two or three thumbnails and one icon? That’s not right. The total should at least be 1k or 2k for what you are asking.