[Hiring] Best Clothing®

About Us

Hello, We are Best Clothing. We are new group for clothing. We make our clothing so please respect that. Our clothing is not copied or made with any illegal ways. Our clothing is official so any kind of copying will result into report.

The Team
@Ziggy_Dev - Founder and beginner designer

You can join our group anyways here: 👕Best💯Clothing® - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a semi-professional clothing designer. We expect him to be great part of community. You don’t need to be really really good to join. You need just good skill. Our group is new so payouts depends on sales and on funds we have. With rising of sales and funds, payouts will get bigger. Hope you understand this.

We accept all kinds of chloting and designes until they are not provided with any troll or swearing designs.

Just reply with an example of what you can make.


We are currently paying only in Robux.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ZiggyDev

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I would make Clothing for your group but It all depends on what the payment is, also you might wanna take down some of the copied clothing.


I’ll take down these. I’ll send payment info in PM

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