[Closed] Cobweb Studioz

What is Cobweb Studioz?

:compass: About Us

Hi there! We are Cobweb Studioz, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Grave Danger!

:iphone:Open Jobs
@Shriekispeasnt- Main/Lead Builder
@AlsoGold - Map Builder
@TuVeuxQwa - Additional Builder
@AceOfParts - Map Builder

Our goal as a development studio is to share the joy and excitement of fun and entertaining games, to the whole community by creating enjoyable games and projects with input from the community.

:globe_with_meridians: About The Job

We are looking for professional builders to join our team, and help bring our games to maximum quality. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

:building_construction: Style

Our first game, Grave Danger has a unique style. It should contain a mix between higher detailed models while still having that cartoon style from low poly. The game is a Halloween themed game that is based off of the classic Halloween figures (Skeletons, Ghosts, Vampires, Jack O’ Lanterns, etc.)

Grave Danger will launch in early Augest along with a Halloween event following a couple months post release

:money_with_wings: Payment

We are paying 15%-20%. Our preferred payment method is Robux. With a guaranteed Payment of 15k-20k Robux

:left_speech_bubble: Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: ₳J฿Ɇ₳VɆⱤ25#8668
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

:framed_picture: Pictures

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