[HIRING] Experienced Scripter for level system and minigames

About Us

Hello! I am firefist202. I am a part of a small team that is currently developing a high school style game.

About The Job

We are looking for a highly skilled scripter to not only script a working level system (which runs on experience points), but also create 4-5+ GUI minigames for our classrooms. I will be asking for some examples of your past work.

Minigame examples:

  • A matching game for art class (similar to the minigame found in other high school style games). Basically, when class starts everyone is given picture (just colors on a canvas) on one side, and have their own canvas where they must start clicking the squares in order to match it to the picture they were given. When they click the squares, a colour appears. When they keep clicking the square the colour changes.

  • A card matching game for science class. When class begins, around 10 pairs (20 cards in total) of cards appear on the screen, and the player is tasked with flipping them to find matching pairs of cards (which have science icons on them). There is a time limit of 60 seconds.

  • A flappy bird style game.

These games must only appear when the respective class is currently going on. We already have a premade time and class system, and hope that you can use it to make the games occur during their specific classtimes.

After every game is over, a leaderboard should pop up with everyone’s username, alongside their score and a grade which is determined based on how well they did in that minigame. For example, if they successfully matched all 10 pairs of the card game (and get a score of 10/10), their grade should be A+. They are also given experience points for every game/class they complete, which goes toward leveling up.

The level system:

The level system will need to run on experience points which are rewarded after completing classes and other tasks. The levels must save and need to be color-coded based on how high the player’s level is (for example, levels 0-15 are white, levels 16-30 are yellow, etc.). More details on this will be given upon contacting me.

All the GUIS are premade.


We are paying Robux (through group funds), per asset you make for us.

We are willing to pay 11-19k (or more) for the level system. As for the minigames, we’re willing to pay 4k-15k (or more) per game depending on how advanced it is, and how well made it is.

Again, prices are negotiable!

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord - Firefist#2443

Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!

I can do the leveling system, I sent you a request on Discord. I’m Kdude#1774, here is my portfolio:

Sorry but we’re looking for someone who can hopefully do all or most of the tasks. But if that changes I’ll let you know.

Highly interested and Sent a friend request! Cakeyy#2977

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