Hiring Scripter/UI Designer!

My Name is PainfulSupercool Owner of Tiyono Clothing. I am Hiring a Scripter/UI Designer.

About Us

Hi there! We are Big Studios, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Big Game!

The Team
@PainfulSupercool- Builder
@HIRING- Scripter

You can see our progress so far here: Tiyono Clothing Store (Under Developement) - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a professional scripter and UI designer to join our team as our lead content artist. We expect high quality scripts that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

Our Build style is homey but its still a store.

Our Game needs to have all clothing on statues and make sure that each one has a try on button with that scripted. The UI needs to be designed for about 1-3 hours for every update.


I can pay in USD Paypal, or robux.
Cashapp- $50 USD
Paypal- $50 USD
Roubx- 10,000

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via discourd at: Kenyan_2Slick#4604
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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hiya! I have an experienced scripter on my team who is more than happy to do this job quickly and efficiently for you :slight_smile:

I sent a request, my tag is Quionew#3567

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What’s the payment for the UI? Is it the same?

Yes it is the sam $50 unless you want 10k robux.

Alright! I’m interested! I’m adding you at HendricoMaximus.

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Hi there! I’m interested in the scripter opportunity. I can also do UI Design but I primarily do scripting. I am happy to discuss this further via Discord @ LegendOJ1#1382. I’ve sent you a friend request. :slight_smile:

Hi there i can do UI and scripting. I am intermmediate leaning towards advanced and can do most things. Im interested, i sent a friend request my un is Microwave#3147

Added you! - Eric_Homemade#1243

Added you!
My user is Amx_yay#1715

Hello! I am a UI Designer and I’ll be interested to work with you. I’ll show you examples if you interested on discord. Add me if your interested. Eazy#7577

Hello, I’m a Scripter I do not have discord though so please message me on forum and I will be happy the do quick scripts.

If you didn’t find someone yet (wich is hard) i’m avaiable! Faczki#2427

Interested, added you on discord, Tealing#0001

If you haven’t found a scripter already, sent you a friend request, basicxful :heart:#8658

Just a heads up, this guy literally scammed me.

I spent 3 days scripting and gathering animations just for him to never pay and ghost me.

Don’t recommend working with this individual.

gg, I guess.

Discord doesn’t work, add me, EggcellentSpook#1337, for interface designer.

Hello! I’m proffessional programmer with 2 years of experince. I would like to work with you!

Discord: ZelqDev#0001

I will contact you via Discord. Jees1#5825

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