Hey, great module! I’m considering using it for a combat system, but I have a question. If two players were to punch each other at the exact same time, how would the module handle that situation? Would I need to implement a workaround for such cases? I noticed it mentions ‘Debounces for same-character hits,’ but I’m not entirely sure what that entails. Thanks! Edit: Oops, I replied to the wrong person
Hey, nice module! Are we able to make pull requests?
pretty sure debounce for same-character hits means how long the wait till the hitbox can hit the same person again
In my code, the hitbox.HitSomeone
event doesn’t fire in the server script when hitbox:Start()
is called on the client although the hitbox uses UseClient
. Is there a fix to this?
Is there a way to make the hitbox detect all parts of a character instead of only the humanoidrootparts? (nvm just used spatialoption inparts)
Hello ive already found a solution to my old problem. Although the hitbox does continue to function when spamming a m1 attack.
did i use this right guys (module)
function HitboxManager:UpdateHitbox(AttackType:SharedTable, Damage:number, Points:SharedTable, Time:number, Visible:boolean ,Function)
--local AttackType = {
-- Friendly = {NPC.character, FriendlyHumanoids}, --friendly humanoids
-- Style = "", --Kill, Custom function
-- Cframe = NPC.humRoot.CFrame+NPC.humRoot.CFrame.LookVector*1, --Position of Hitbox
-- Size = Vector3.new(10,10,10), --Size of Hitbox
-- HitboxStyle = "InBox", --"InBox" | "InRadius" | "InPart"
-- Time = 1, --Ragdoll time
-- DbTime = 999, --Hit debounce
-- AliveForce = 300, --Force
-- DeadForce = 700, --Force
-- Type = "", --cut, hit (death)
-- body = { --motor6d to cut
-- --[""] = true,
-- }
self.hitboxParams = {
SizeOrPart = AttackType.Size, --Vector3 | number | BasePart
SpatialOption = AttackType.HitboxStyle, --"InBox" | "InRadius" | "InPart"
InitialPosition = AttackType.Cframe, --Vector3
Blacklist = {AttackType.Friendly},
DebounceTime = AttackType.DbTime,
Debug = Visible,
LookingFor = "Humanoid",
} :: HitboxTypes.HitboxParams
local Hum = hitChar.Humanoid
local creator = humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator")
if creator then
creator.Value = AttackType.Friendly
creator = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
creator.Name = "creator"
creator.Parent = humanoid
creator.Value = AttackType.Friendly
if AttackType.Style == "Kill" then
if Hum.Health > 0 then
FightModule.Ragdoll(humanoid.Parent, true, AttackType.Time, AttackType.Cframe, AttackType.AliveForce)
Function(hitChar, Hum)
elseif AttackType.Style == "Custom" then
Function(hitChar, Hum)
task.delay(Time, function()
hi, how would i make it so the hitsomeone only targets characters with a specific string value in them?