Hitting enter in a textbox places a carriage return before finalizing input (broken again)

Sums up the last few months pretty clearly… like I understand mistakes happen but honestly time after time again it makes me wonder what is going on down there. Do they even QA test anything? Random updates causing physics issues, render, networking, now this(even though this is smaller). At least they usually resolve them in a somewhat quick manner , but we shouldn’t have to worry about them breaking stuff. But I digress from the topic


I may have found a workaround for this bug, at least for chat commands:
Enter the command you want, enter an extra character, and press backspace and enter at almost the same time. The command will work as normal, and the carriage return will not be inserted.


Can confirm, am experiencing this issue in my games resulting in our custom admin script to break.


This has affected my game as well, very severely as there’s a code bar that allows people to teleport to different servers or search for specific servers.


From what I can tell, this carriage return bug seems to be breaking more than just the CoreGui chat.

I noticed that sometimes when writing code, I press enter to create a newline and a carriage return is inserted instead. Then, my code won’t even compile, throwing the error:

Unexpected Unicode character: U+2028. Did you mean ’ '?

When I removed the stray carriage return character, I then got an error stating that I was missing an end on line 25, but my code was only 23 lines long and clearly was not missing an end.

This problem seems related, so I figured I’d share it here.


Faced similar issue today, broke our game’s custom admin

+1 for @boatbomber’s fix of sanitizing inputs with string.gsub(input, "%c", ""), worked like a charm for us - thank you!

Also note: this issue only seems to be happening in live games, not in Studio tests for some reason (for us, anyways)


Yeah I’m having a simmilar issue, I was wondering if anyone had any idea when it would get fixed?

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The ROBLOX឵CRITICAL tag was removed from the forums.

PSA: Please don’t post similar issue or ‘also experiencing this’ etc, please just ‘like’ the original post; this way we can keep the replies relevant to engineers, which is especially crucial with critical issues.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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Adding on to this, for input in which you cannot apply the previously mentioned formatting fix yourself, a temporary solution to this problem is to do Ctrl+Shift+Enter before submitting input.


we will be looking into this today, we will report back when we have a solution


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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Every time I hit enter in chat, it’s leaving a blank message, instead of not sending a message at all, causing a lot of weird chat spam. I’m guessing this is related.


Thanks for your guys patience. We have reverted the flag that causes this problem. Could you help check are those issues still present?


Can confirm that the issue no longer occurs in Adopt Me.


I’m still having problems with the Studio script editor, where I occasionally get hidden syntax errors of

Unexpected Unicode character: U+2028. Did you mean ’ '?


The script editor does not utilize our lua textbox input pipeline, but QT instead. I will forward this for the other team to look at.
while afaik about this, are you frequently copy/pasting sources around, e.g. sharing code using chatting apps like discord/slack and copy them back? Or it just happens when you are doing all typings inside our script editor? It says you have a unicode line return character.


That’s why I assumed it was the same issue, because it’s the same annoying character showing up.
The line it errored on was copied+pasted from something I wrote manually in the Studio editor, not from a 3rd party application.

If it helps, the line was auto-indented with my settings altered to “Relative” indentation.


when does this start to happen?


It happened just that one time and I have not been able to reproduce it since.

Edit: ForeverDev figured it out, I supposed I must have not released the Shift key somewhere in the process.