Horror Game Camera

I don’t know what the best way to describe what i’m trying to create

im attempting to create something like this (Forgotten Memories) where the camera zooms in and points at whatever enemy detects you

How would I go about this?


You could use WorldToViewPoint to detect if it’s in the players camera. If you also wanted to, in your pathfinding script, you could detect if the NPC is close to the player and has a clear path (no compute async needed,) and cast a ray from it’s HRP.CFrame.LookVector * --distance. If a player is found, simply increase their FOV using tweenservice.

If you want to know more about WorldToViewPoint, check out this explanation by sleitnick:


three things you need to do to achieve this effect.
first lerp the camera quickly towards the object (using cframe.lookat)
then use the player’s FOV with a tween to make the zoom in and out effect
Add a sound, and a shake (which can be done with a math spring or a math sin / cos function)
Adjust the values as wanted


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