That was for tickets, 1 ticket for per unique visitor in 24 hours. Once tickets were removed, there really wasn’t a need for visits to be capped to 1 player a day.
Alright, so look. Every game on Roblox will count EVERY player that joins (Multiple times, so it’s not a one-time thing.) The game’s creator will also be counted upon joining the game.
Such nostalgia… I remember how you’d get 1 ticket per unique visit, but at the same time players used that trick to farm tickets, also why tix were removed. Personally, Roblox could have found a better solution to that problem.
Ah. I completely forgot about how you used to get tickets for visits.
I do believe, the amount of visits, is how many players both visit and re-visit the game.
If it’s the number of total players who have visited the game then why do my game visits drop like first they were at 430 visits but now they are at 120. do the people that visited my game get wiped from its history? I know this is a long time since the last reply here but I just wanted to clarify.
If a player teleports back and forth from your game to places in your game, does each teleport count as a visit?
If a player teleports from another game into your game, is it counted as a visit?
Yes, it should be counted as a visit.
As for the other question, I don’t have an answer to that one.
I don’t think it would count as a visit, at least it wouldn’t make sense if it did.
Those are my thoughts too. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be counted since it would be redundant.
I would imagine the way they are counted is by teleports into your game from outside your game, and players who join your game from no other servers(Like clicking the play button on the website).
Your game visits are based off of how many times a client/player joins your game.
the number of visits to a game is a metric that reflects how many times players have entered the game. It is not a measure of how many players are currently in the game at a given time.
To calculate the number of visits to a game, Roblox tracks the number of times players have entered the game and adds that number to a running total. This total is then displayed as the number of visits on the game’s page on the Roblox website.
It’s important to note that the number of visits is not necessarily an accurate representation of the popularity of a game. For example, a game with a high number of visits may not necessarily have a large player base or be more popular than a game with a lower number of visits. Additionally, the number of visits may be influenced by factors such as the game’s visibility on the Roblox website and whether it is featured in promotional materials.