How can i add a delay to this system?

Here is my terrible MS Paint diagram. Hope it helps

Ok, first off Iā€™m sorry for not understanding. From the ā€œterribleā€ diagram, it looks like you want the coins to drop and then be collected automatically after two secondsā€¦? Is that rightā€¦? Or do you want them all to be collected at once? If itā€™s the latter (collect all at once) then I have an idea, but please tell me that thatā€™s actually what you want first before I go and write up the wrong solution :laughing:.

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Lol! Okay, heres a step by step example:

  1. The coins have spawned into and have been parented to the folder
  2. Wait 2 seconds
  3. You can collect the coins if you are in range of the magnitude (12 studs) or in the script. The magnitude is defined as MagnetReach

add a value called cooldown, put a task.wait(2) and make it true and make the code an if statement.

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All of us have tried this. But it collects 1 coin every 2 seconds not all of them

If you need me to be clearer. The coins rest on the floor before 2 seconds before all of them can be collected if there in range

I think I get it now- several coins are being dropped at once, and they should be collected together. Didnā€™t want to leave you in suspense, writing up a solution now!!! :slight_smile:

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Yes, several coins drop at once. But they instantly get collected in range. I want a 2 second delay before they get collected

And they can only get collected in the range (if Magnitude <= player.Data.MagnetReach.Value then)

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Hooray! Then hereā€™s my solution, I sincerely hope this is what you need (sorry for the wait again :laughing:):

Drop Script

local Drop = {}
Drop.CooldownTime = 2 -- Specify how long the cooldown is in seconds
function Drop.DropCurrency(originCFrame, object, amount, value)
    local drop ="Model") -- The coins are put into their own Model in the Drops folder to show that they go together
    drop.Name = "DropModel"
    drop.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Drops")
	for i = 0, amount do
		local cloneObj = object:Clone()
		cloneObj.Name = "Drop "..i
		cloneObj.Value.Value = value
		cloneObj.CFrame = originCFrame
		cloneObj.Parent = drop
		local randomX = {math.random(-10, -2), math.random(2,10)}
		local RandomZ = {math.random(-10, -2), math.random(2,10)}
		local velocity =[math.random(1,2)], math.random(10,100), RandomZ[math.random(1,2)])
		cloneObj.AssemblyLinearVelocity = velocity
    drop:SetAttribute("Cooldown",true) -- Cooldown applied to the group of coins rather than each specifically
	for i = 0, amount do
		local cloneObj = object:Clone()
		cloneObj.Name = "Drop "..i
		cloneObj.Value.Value = value
		cloneObj.CFrame = originCFrame
		cloneObj.Parent = drop
		local randomX = {math.random(-10, -2), math.random(2,10)}
		local RandomZ = {math.random(-10, -2), math.random(2,10)}
		local velocity =[math.random(1,2)], math.random(10,100), RandomZ[math.random(1,2)])
		cloneObj.AssemblyLinearVelocity = velocity
    drop:SetAttribute("Cooldown",true) -- Cooldown applied to the group of coins rather than each specifically
    drop.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Drops")
return Drop

Coin Collect:

local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local player  = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local HumanoidRootPart = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

while true do
	for j, dropModel in pairs(workspace.Drops:GetChildren()) do
		if not dropModel:IsA("PVInstance") or dropModel:GetAttribute("Cooldown") then continue end -- If it's not a Model or Part, skip!
		local canCollect = false
		for i,drop in pairs(dropModel:GetChildren()) do
			local magnitude = (HumanoidRootPart.Position - dropModel:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude
			if magnitude <= player.Data.MagnetReach.Value then
				canCollect = true
				break -- Can collect, break loop to prevent unneccessary checking
		if canCollect then -- If the player can collect the coins,
			local c = 0 -- Count of coins being collected. You'll see why below
			for i, drop in pairs(dropModel:GetChildren()) do -- Collect each!
				if drop:IsA("Part") and drop:FindFirstChild("Value") then
					local magnitude = (HumanoidRootPart.Position - drop.Position).Magnitude -- The magnitude relative to the coin
					local value = drop:WaitForChild("Value").Value
					local CurrencyName = drop:WaitForChild("CurrencyName").Value
					drop.CanCollide = false
					local tween = ts:Create(drop, * 0.01, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, false, 0), {Position = HumanoidRootPart.Position})
					c += 1
						c -= 1
						if c < 1 then -- Only once there are no more coins being animated, do we destroy the model. This is to make sure each tween completes properly and the player isn't scammed out of their coins!
						rs:WaitForChild("GiveCurrency"):FireServer(CurrencyName, value)


Donā€™t know if it works, havenā€™t tested, please reply any errors, AAA

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Ill test it!

Also, do i need to add a attribute to the part?

To each coin individually, no. I parented the coins to models, so I just put the attribute on the model and got it from the model. Also just found a problem in the code, about to edit

If you mean whether you have to use attributes, no, but I find it easier

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So if i just replace the scripts, it should work?

I think soā€¦

I hope soā€¦

Weā€™ll see, but yes it should work!

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No, it doesnt work. my pc blew up so im messaging you on tablet.


Although the coins dont sprout out and spread out as much anymore.


When you say they donā€™t spread out as much anymore, are they disappearing faster than they spread? If thatā€™s the case, just change the cooldown in the drop script to make them last longer. Iā€™m glad I could help! (First ever solution btw :D)

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No, before they typically sprouted and spreaded out further, now it seems to be in a line.

When they spawned in, there were in a line

Oh noes! :thinking: I donā€™t think I changed that part of the script at all! Iā€™ll see what I can doā€¦ :confused:

Oof, I donā€™t knowā€¦ I canā€™t see what the issue could beā€¦ :o

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Lol, i removed the solution just in case. Ill have a look myself

They use to shoot out the head and fall back down. seems like they just sit and fall of the head now

Alright, made some changes to the solution, maybe try it now? Not sure if itā€™s fixed or not but worth it to test it

OHHH I think I know what it could be. Iā€™ll try something

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