How can i add First Person Aiming without ViewModel?

Because it creates unnecesary complicated code and requires me to make 2 animations, one for View Model and one for original character, because View Model placement makes animations incompatible

that’s kind of what i’m doing rn,

you either use third person arms only, or use viewmodels and third person arms

Your code is a little bit difficult to understand for a goo-brained idiot like notsad2,

While I cannot speak for everyone else, I find your code to be, in-fact, impossible to understand.
The mathematics that are used in the provided code-block, are too advanced for me.

My apologies for being “rude”, it was never my intention.

Best regards,


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I thinkyou sill fail to understand my idea. I’ll explain again:

You use an if statement to see if the player is in first person.

If you are in first person then you use cframe manipulation of the motor 6ds in the torso of the player character to weld them to the camera of the player then apply some offset to properly align the camera and the sight of the gun. There is no need to make a separate animation or use a rig.

If you are in third person then use your existing code.

I use this in my game as well and I don’t make two animations nor is it complicated NOR does it require a viewmodel.

Skill issu- joking. Yeah it’s fine. 90% of the devs I meet don’t know cframes and it’s understandable.

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i know cframes :^)

it is position and orientation

wow that was a horrible joke i’m sorry

Yk, i found solution, i’ll use your if statement and create custom View Model rather than EgoMosee’s solution, animations were desynced due to arms movement achieved by math and cframes, now i’ll use animations for them instead

i need to create tool welding and stuff on server, but still i believe it’s the best idea

Well that still ends up using a viewmodel and you still didn’t understand the idea but that’s fine I suppose.

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i understand it because it was used in many games like BHRM5 or wild west, but i’ll use my solution that i found out be good to simply use animations to move ViewModel, tool system will be based off models still but it isn’t the problem, thx for help anyways