How can i bypass 50 digits in number values?

I’m looking for someone who can help me make my simulator tool be worth 25 sx and not 24.999898989898989989898989 sx. It really doesn’t matter with that tool but the prices is way more worth than that. Is there any way i could fix this?

yea, just round to the nearest whole number. here’s how you do that using math.floor:

local MyNumber = 10.3
local MyOtherNumber = 10.8

MyNumber = math.floor(10.3 + 0.5)
MyOtherNumber = math.floor(10.8 + 0.5)

when you add 0.5 in math.floor, it will round to the nearest whole number

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what is the difference between using this and using just math.round?

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honestly i didn’t know it existed but yeah i guess it would do the same thing

that’s not the issue, i want numbers higher than this. I want numbers up to 50 ud which is around 60 digits i think

You can’t. Thats a roblox inbuilt thing.

Usually the game which have that large numbers use strings to format big numbers

You would have to use the roblox version BigNum, read more on the solution of this post:

math.floor() rounds down to the nearest integerr.
math.ceil() rounds up to the nearest integer.
math.round() rounds either way to the nearest integer.

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Ye i knew about it but whatever i said was true because the system he provided was simply math.round

NumberValues can go up to 1 * 10^308 power, or 1 centillion. You don’t need to use any modules for going above 50 zeros like BigNum (never use BigNum ever)

Another way would be to have another item for money that’s worth 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 sx (1 septillion) and call it a yotta-sx.

You wouldn’t have to take all that room to display the cost each time either.

Take a look at this