How can I center the camera of a ViewPortFrame in a tool?

Good, I’m doing an inventory and I was really lazy to make the images of the tool, so I put them in a ViewPortFrame and they can be seen there, but I have a problem and this is that the camera does not focus well on some tools. What happens is that the camera is far away when some tools appear in the ViewPortFrame.
It is the last object seen here:
Dinero2 - Roblox Studio 23_07_2022 11_17_00 p. m. (2)

	local Button = script.Sample:Clone();

	local Camera ="Camera", Button);
	Camera.CFrame =, 4, 7), CloneTool.Handle.Position);
	Button.Object.CurrentCamera = Camera;

I circumvent the need for additional cameras by simply repositioning the PVInstance (position velocity instance) itself.

Handle:PivotTo(, 0, -math.max(Handle.Size.X, Handle.Size.Y, Handle.Size.Z)) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0))

Viewport frames default to looking from, 0, 0).

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haha, thanks. It is very easy to apply and greatly shortens the script