Looking into it, the script is called “ChatServiceRunner” and i was able to make an admin channel by adding this to the bottom of the script
local admins = {game.CreatorId}
local AdminChannel = ChatService:AddChannel("admins", false)
AdminChannel:SetChannelNameColor(Color3.new(1, 0, 1))
AdminChannel.WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the admin channel"
local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
local player = speaker:GetPlayer()
if (table.find(admins, player.UserId)) then
About system messages. They won’t display if you send them before the chat has loaded on the client, so don’t send anything until you’re sure they finished loading.
Here is how you send system messages to certain speakers:
local extraData ={
Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
TextSize = 23,
NameColor = Color3.new(1, 1),
ChatColor = Color3.new(0.458824, 0.321569, 1),
ChannelColor = Color3.new(1),
--[[Tags = {
TagText = "Staff",
TagColor = Color3.new(0, 1),
},]]-- Tags don't work for system messages but thought I'd leave this here in case you want to know how they're formatted
task.delay(3, function()
AdminChannel:SendSystemMessageToSpeaker("hello from system", speakerName, extraData)
speaker:SendSystemMessage("hey there", "All", extraData)
--optionally you can format it like this
task.delay(3, AdminChannel.SendSystemMessageToSpeaker, AdminChannel, "hello from system", speakerName, extraData)
task.delay(3, speaker.SendSystemMessage, speaker, "hey", "All", extraData)