How can i create holes in a wall easily? (Without unions)

Trying to make windows for a building but making the holes for them is tedious at times how can i easily do this? Is there a plugin i can use?

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You could model it in blender or uhhhhhhh you could just use 4 parts that surround an empty area?


Yeah, its best to just build around the empty space to make a hole, MeshParts would be the only other decent option, and I think they have unreliable collision.

I checked and I don’t think there’s a plugin to make holes easily. (Although I found a video a while back that demonstrated a tool to do this, it was just a test and I don’t think there was a plugin link)

Hope this helps somehow!


Is it similar to an office building, or more like a house with random walls and windows?

An office building is easy, just create complete vertical wall sections between the windows from the ground to the roof, then build 1 floors worth of the sections below and above each window. Set your Move tool to something like 10 studs (or whatever you want) then keep using Ctrl D to duplicate those parts and move them up to create the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. floors.

If its a random type house it’s just best to build it as it needs to be. There is no ‘simple’ way about it.

Something I tell people is to always rough it out very simply, then test the game and walk around each area/wall/window to make sure the scale of all your build fits with a Robloxian.


Try this